The sgPrice module provides suppliers with highly configurable, auditable and meter-specific prices

About sgPrice

sgPrice is an adept and flexible pricing engine that can deliver the level of complexity you choose. From basic all-inclusive tariff book prices where you simply specify your input curves to the templates we provide, through to user-defined costs, uplifts and calculation methodologies and bespoke pricing by meter. Prices generated can be broken down (and stored) to the components required for price comparisons, tracking or financial reporting, and then aggregated up into tariffs for use in our other modules. These tariffs are also configured to display and bill at the level of aggregation you want for your customers. The underlying cost tariffs are designed to be easily updateable in the event of a pricing passthrough, with these costs feeding up to the billing tariff and any upcoming changes easily reportable for clear customer communications.


  • Highly configurable system to enable your own pricing calculations and methodology
  • Pricing breakdown captured and logged for future reporting to levels defined by you
  • Default pricing models built in for quick reference/usage
  • Easy tariff book creation available for default meter types
  • Margin tracking reports and triggers can be set up for tariff books or quotes/tariffs where underlying costs are updated


  • Input management tool for controlled, auditable cost curve updates
  • API to create pricing books (where tariff structures have been defined by the user)
  • Bespoke quoting tool API using costs and uplifts from user defined curves
  • Configurable aggregation of pricing components to create tariffs for billing/displaying to the customer
  • Billing tariffs are configured to contain cost-component sub-tariffs to provide a clean, simple pricing passthrough process

Please do not hesitate to contact us with your enquiries or questions.

Prama House, 267 Banbury Road,
Oxford, OX2 7HT

Call us on: 01865 339 652

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